Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Confidence of the Fake Kind

You know those times when you do something new and you feel like you have no clue what you are doing but you tell yourself you can, then take a deep breath and do it?
Me too.
That is how I felt about teaching writing today.
It was my first time.
I was not confident at all.
So what did I do?
Why, I faked the confidence of course!
Because sometimes,
You fake it till you make it.
“Do you want to go get the kids so you can make sure you have everything for writing?” Ms. Peltz ask me as we are walking down the hall.
I turn around and start walking towards the classroom
AHHH! I can’t do this! I have no idea how to teach writing! Oh my goodness. Ok, deep breath.  Think. You wrote out lesson plans. Follow those. Just do it.  Also? Keep breathing.
Ok, things I need for writing. My lesson plans.  Those are generally useful. Ok, we are labeling things. Where are the cards for labeling?
I start looking high and low.
I hear children’s voices, I freeze and panic.
They pass by our room.
Thank goodness!
I find the cards in an obvious spot.
Ok, I need the paper for them to do their writing.  I know where that is. Ok, memorize your plans. FAST!
I hear children’s voices again.
Please don’t be my class! Please don’t be my class! Read faster! Ok, I can do this. No! no I can’t do this!
I hear footsteps and whisper voices.
I know that will be my class.
“Are you ready for them?” Ms. Peltz pokes her head in the doorway.
“Yes I am! I say with fake confidence.
“Come on in my friends and have a seat on the dot rug.”
They come in and sit, and I begin...

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