Monday, October 3, 2011

Monday mishaps

If you are wondering why there were no posts Thursday or Friday, wonder no more.  I will tell you.
I had an awesome stomach virus.  It was hospital worthy.  Only for five hours, but still.  It was awful people.  Don’t get it.  Seriously.  Awful.
Anyways! Today I went back to school.
Rough day for me.
Not terrible, but slightly rough.
I seem to have misplaced some of my confidence.  If anyone finds it, could you return it at your earliest convenience? Thanks.
Also? I may have been slightly out of it due to my antibiotic and not so much food in my stomach. 
So, this morning, there was a great possibility that things could have gone terribly wrong.
Luckily, Ms. P stepped in to help.
The kids were just sort of ignoring me and were sort of saying no to things I was asking them to do.
I know, biggest problem right there, asking.
You don’t ask them, you tell them.
True statement people.
Things got a little better throughout the day.
Firemen came today to talk to the kids about fire safety.
So I went to pick them up from the gym.
But first, they got to see the fire trucks and get in one for a minute.
I was leading my class, but I really had no idea where I was taking them.
“Ms. P? Do you want to take the front since I have no clue what I am doing?”
“Well, I can, you could just follow the other people and do what they do…”
“True, true I could.”
I think she could tell I was a little nervous.
She took the lead.  Very thankful for that.
At one point this afternoon, one child got her shoe lace stuck underneath the chair in the metal part.  That was interesting.  Easy to fix, except I got kicked and smashed into by another chair at the same time.  Not quite what I was expecting.
Then, a little later, a little boy decided to play on his chair and as I was walking by, he jumped backwards and kicked me in the knee.  He got hurt too.  Interesting day people. 
Tomorrow is a new day!

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