Sorry about the lack of posting yesterday. Things got super busy.
I will try to make sure I blog every weekday though.
I will try to make sure I blog every weekday though.
So, yesterday I was in charge of a morning meeting activity.
It was the Popcorn name game. The kids loved it. Also? I had some pretty good behavior management going on. I was so excited!
So, today Ms. P. had me do another activity.
I can do this no problem!
My supervisor was around observing for a while.
“Well, I think I am going to go” she says starting to pack up her stuff.
“Well if you want to stick around for a little longer, I should be doing my morning meeting activity very shortly.” I mention perhaps a little too confidently.
“I would love to see you teach!” She opens up her books again.
I continue writing students names on the tops of monthly calendars until Ms. P. asks me to come over to do the activity.
“You guys did such great singing!” I exclaim.
“Ok, today we are going to play a different game. No, not the popcorn game again. A different game. This is called what you like to do. Alright, everyone close your eyes! Close ‘em, Close ‘em, Close ‘em! Now, with your eyes closed, think of something you really like to do.” I give them a few seconds to think. “When you have your idea, raise your hand.”
Hands start to go up.
“Ok, good! What we are going to do, when you are called on, you will go in the middle of the circle and act out what you like to do! I will go first and show you. I am going to act out what I like to do, and when you think you know, raise your hands. I will choose someone standing quietly.”
I go in the middle of the circle and gallop back and forth a few times. Hands shoot up!
I look for someone standing quietly ”Lilly?”
“Ummm, you were doing hop scotch?”
“No, not quite, but that was a good guess. Anyone else?”
I call on another student
“Yooou were riding a horse.” She says matter of factly.
“Good job! Now you get to go.”
She gets in the middle of the circle and starts hopping.
She calls on students to guess. One student thought it was his turn to go and started doing his activity.
“Not yet sweetie, we are guessing what she is doing. If you can guess what she was doing you can go.”
He shrugs his shoulders.
Finally someone guessed.
A few more students attempted to go, but really had no clue what they were doing.
I explained it several times.
I think they were just so focused on doing their activity.
Also, we were due to have a fire drill and they knew it. We had practiced.
Then they just got crazy.
Somehow, my students turned into zombies and started climbing on top of each other.
I don’t remember that as part of the game.
I tried several times to get them back under control.
Finally, after a couple more minutes of zombie attacks, they decided to listen when I did a clapping attention grabber.
They clapped in response.
Ms. P came and started teaching again.
I walk over to my supervisor.
“Well, that didn’t go quite as planned. Sorry I had you stay for that” I laugh.
“Hey as long as you know there was a problem and you need to fix something, you are good”
Note to self – Avoid zombie attacks.
Sounds like u had fun! :) cool!